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Aldrin Pelicano

Two Wheel Gear Ambassador Aldrin Pelicano

Location: Metro Manila, Philippines
Bike: Tern Verge P10 (folding bike)
Occupation: Program Manager
Started Commuting: 2014
Commute Distance (one way): 13 KM

Meet Aldrin, a 2WG ambassador commuting in Metro Manila, Philippines since 2014. Aldrin's advice for new commuters, "Get a good bike and gears for your commuting needs, plan your daily trip and start with it."


Is your city commuter-friendly?

Not yet (we're a work in progress.)


Why did you decide to start commuting?

I started commuting by bicycle to get to the office on time, happy and ready for the day.


What is your most important piece of gear?

My pannier backpack! It's the most important because it let me enjoy my trip, on and off the saddle. 


Two Wheel Gear Pannier Backpack


What is your favourite aspect of daily riding?

I really enjoy that I am able to put in the exercise or physical activity whenever I get on the saddle and the social interactions I have with other people on bicycles.


What is the worst part of commuting?

The lack of proper and adequate bike facilities (bike lanes, bike parking) in our cities.

What is the coolest thing you've ever seen while on your bike?

Coolest thing is seeing kids on bikes with their parents and friends.


Do you have any commuting hacks to share?

Use your sock to protect your pants/trousers from grease and dirt of the chain ring.

 Two Wheel Gear Pannier Backpack


Have you ever been in an accident while riding? What happened?

Yes, unfortunately. I was sideswiped - dragged a few meters by an overspeeding motorist while riding on an unprotected bike lane. It happened last year, early Saturday morning. The driver must have lost his/her focus and moved to right where the bike lane is and just hit my bike's handlebar. Good thing, I escaped with only minor scratches, torn pants and shoes.


What is your stance on wearing a helmet? What are the laws like in your area?

I wear a bike helmet as personal protective equipment given our current road conditions and driving culture. Local legislations vary from one city to another in Metro Manila.


If you could create any kind of gadget or gear for your bike, what would it be?

Probably rain protection (like a huge umbrella) and also protection from cars (like an invisible force shield).


Did the COVID-19 pandemic affect your ride?

Yes, I don't go to the office as often compared to before the pandemic happened.


Follow Aldrin at @aldrinpelicano