Great quality and versatility. Holds way more than most trunk or handlebar bags. The roll top is great and easy to use.
I ride an e-bike and the handlebars are too busy with other stuff so I've only used this as a trunk bag.
The main drawback is in securing the bag my rack.. Getting the velcro straps tight is a real PITA. But I liked this bag so much I devised a magnetic base for my rack so I can easily slide the bag on and secure it. Works well but I think the design could be improved by having 4 velcro straps on each corner vertically rather than on the bottom so that the straps could go around the trunk bars to hold it in place.
My only other problem is that I can't figure out how to use the rain cover, but that's minor...I'm not going to ride an e-bike in a downpour.
All in all a great bag and I use it all the time.