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Commuter Bicycle Pannier. Carry Your Suit. Carry Everything.

My Daily Gear Packed in my Classic Bike Suit Bag

The Classic Bike Suit Bag Packed with Daily Commuter Gear 

I'll admit that I am not the lightest packer. I like to be prepared. I take a small pack of roadside maintenance gear so I don't get stranded. The rest is really necessity for the daily trip. Above is my typical gear pack. My dress clothes are inside the main pocket (dress pants, dress shirt, jacket, socks, boxers and belt). I rarely commute with my dress shoes as I like to leave them at the office..but they are packed above. I shower when I get there so I always bring a towel, thongs, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste and hair gel. A pair of gloves is always in and out of the bag depending on the season. Of course there's tunes for the road, a pair of shades and I keep an ultra light beanie for under the helmet on chilly days. My keys, FOB and wallet (it really sucks to forget anyone of these...) are always kept in the front small pocket. I keep a zippered dry cleaner's bag (top right of photo) for the days when I see the thunder rolling in around 4:00 pm. Our bags are super tough and nearly water proof but in major weather its good to keep an extra layer protecting your fine wears. My tool kit is basic but complete. Tire pump, patch kit/spare tube, tire lifters, lights/batteries, hex wrenches, multi-screwdriver, a little chain oil and a few zip ties rounds out the tool set. As the manufacturer and end user I know what these bags can carry...Everything.

Classic Bike Suit Bag loaded with bicycle items  Classic Bike Suit Bag Open and Empty  Classic Bike Suit Bag packed with Tools and GadgetsClassic Bike Suit Bag Packed and Closed  Classic Bike Suit Bag Packed with a Suit

For the full gallery of pictures check out: 


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